Choosing the best pressure washer is tough. With so many specifications, models, options, and big words being thrown around, it can be hard to figure out what truly makes a difference, especially when it comes to cleaning your car. One of the biggest misconceptions when it comes to buying a good pressure cleaner for car washing is more PSI equals a better wash. However, unless you’re trying to strip your paint back to bare metal, PSI is not as useful of a metric as it seems. In this article we will dive into what to look for when buying a pressure washer, and what really matters when you’re using it for detailing.
PSI vs Bar
As stated above, one of the most common misconceptions when buying a quality pressure washer is more PSI equals a better washer. However, this is not the case. PSI typically refers to the stripping power a pressure washer can produce, when cleaning surfaces like concreate, it can be sometimes necessary to have this power, however, when using a pressure washer on a car, it is not necessary to have the strongest stripping power, but more so the ability to move the contamination off the surface. Measuring a pressure washers’ ability to move contamination comes from the litres per hour it can produce, sometimes also referred to the LPM (Litres Per Minute). The basic comparison that highlights this best is:
Pressure washer A has 1500 PSI and 4.0 LPM = 6,000 Cleaning Units
Pressure washer B has 1000 PSI and 6.0 LPM = 6,000 Cleaning Units
Although the Cleaning Units are the same in both, the unit with the higher LPM will always clean faster and more efficiently.
The AVA Pressure washer line is a good example of utilising these numbers best to create a machine that doesn’t boast an unnecessarily high PSI but operates efficiently and safely no matter what the surface. The AVA Master P70 – their leading model, offers 150 BAR (2175 PSI) with a LPM of 9. Even more impressive to consider is their portable P40 ‘Go’ Series, that boasts up to 120 BAR, 2030 PSI, and 7.5 LPM. When dealing with pressure washers that offer this level of power, it is also important to factor in the attachments available with the machine – but we’ll touch on that a bit later in the article.
Another common oversight when choosing a pressure washer is the pump and internal mechanisms. Many, not to be named, pressure washers on the market today, will boast high quality electrics and brushed systems that are guaranteed to last, however, many of these machines will host a plastic water pump, with an extremely limited life expectancy. The AVA range of pressure washers, implement a metal pump across the range, that are all guaranteed by a 10-year warranty to hold up to the test of time.
Also to consider when pressure washer hunting is the external parts of the machine that will be up against the elements and contaminants that come with a pressure washing environment. One of the components is the hose when washing a car. The hose will be dragged along the ground, caught under tyres and looped back on itself, until inevitably it will wear through and spring a leak. Many conventional pressure washers today come with a standard Polyurethane hose, that in most cases will tangle, kink and wear out much faster than any ‘high quality’ electric motor. The AVA line introduces a steel reinforced hose to their machines, these hoses don’t suffer from coiling and kinking as is often the case with cheaper alternatives.
Finally, buying a pressure washer doesn’t need to be like buying a cheap airline ticket. Purchasing a pressure washer for cars and having to shop around, buying the necessary attachments for your needs is unnecessary and can often leave you with a more expensive package than simply buying a machine with everything included. When investing in a high-quality pressure washer for cleaning your car, there is a handful of attachments that are a necessity to making it the safest and most efficient job possible. AVA has redesigned and included a number of these with all their machines. This includes, but is not limited to:
Foam Cannon
Skip the headache of finding the right fitting for the right lance for the right machine. All AVA Machines include a Foam Cannon that creates a thick layer of long lasting foam that clings to every surface. Exactly how much foam the cannon sprays can be adjusted. It utilizes a high quality stainless steel mesh filter to mix detergent, water and air.
40° Nozzle
The 40° Nozzle is the perfect choice for car detailing with a much gentler spray pattern. The 40° Nozzle implements a much wider spray pattern but still with the high LPM output, making it the most efficient way to remove contaminants from your cars paint.
20/60 Vario Nozzle
AVA Zoom Lance
Turbo Nozzle
The turbo nozzle is the most powerful nozzle in the AVA nozzle arsenal. Whilst we do not recommend its use on cars, it can come in handy for cleaning parts, and stripping surfaces of deeply embedded contaminations. The Turbo Nozzle combines the power of a 0° nozzle with the coverage of a 20° nozzle.

15° Nozzle
The 15° nozzle has been optimized to make the water spread in a uniform fan, reducing water atomization and improving efficiency. This Nozzle is again to strong for your cars paint work but perfect for the more heavy duty jobs. All AVA nozzles have a bayonet system which makes switching between them effortless.

Still unsure on which pressure washer is right for you? Give us a ring on 1300 006 007 and we’d be happy to help! Alternatively, email us on